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Cromox G6 Stainless Steel Chain

Team Jimmy Green offers the very best anchor chain that money can buy - cromox grade 60 Nautic stainless steel G6 and G6+ - bright polished or electro-polished

Cromox stainless steel anchor chain

Cromox Nautic components are designed to meet the toughest challenges in rough seas using only the best high-quality stainless steel: 1.4404, 1.4462 Duplex and 1.4507 Super Duplex. Cromox chain is impervious to fresh and saltwater in ambient temperatures up to and over 30 °C.  Cromox outstanding durability has been proven in long-term collaborative tests with experienced sailors and in ongoing in-house testing, including salt spray tests. The Cromox design and production team place the highest emphasis on creating the ultimate resistance to seawater pitting and corrosion.

Cromox products are manufactured in the Ketten Wälder factory based near Munich in Germany. The Wälder family has 70 years of experience producing the highest quality marine grade 60 stainless chain. The attention to detail, stringent testing and production checking processes, including pressure-resistance, welded chain links ensure that every chain meets the highest standard required of their status as a Lloyd's Register Approved Manufacturer and Accredited Testing Laboratory.

Cromox chains are offered in G6 (AISI 316L) and G6 Plus (AISI 318LN) specifications.

  • G6 and G6 PLUS both come as standard with a bright polished finish.
  • Additionally, G6 PLUS comes with a 2-year corrosion-free warranty as standard.
  • This can be increased to 3 years with an extra electropolish process which smooths out micro imperfections and removes ferritic ions to prevent corrosion and staining.
  • G6 is ideal for fresh water applications. Also suitable for use in cold seawater conditions provided a suitable washing and maintenance schedule is adhered to.
  • G6 Plus is recommended for salt water applications and specifically for world cruising.
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cromox G6 Stainless Steel Anchor Chain AISI 316

cromox G6 Electro Polished Stainless Steel Anchor Chain AISI 316

cromox G6 PLUS Stainless Steel Anchor Chain AISI 318LN

cromox G6 PLUS Electro Polished Stainless Steel Anchor Chain AISI 318LN
10 links of Sample Anchor Chain

cromox G6 PLUS Electro Polished chain sample
cromox G6 PLUS Electro Polished Stainless Steel Anchor Chain AISI 318LN