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Anti-Torsion Stays, Thimbles and Clamps

A top-quality Anti-Torsion Cable, terminated with trustworthy clamps and thimbles, is essential for all top-down and straight luff (bottom-up) furling systems.

Top Down Anti Torsion Stay

As the name implies, top-down furling starts from the head of the sail, so the wheel rotation at deck level must be efficiently transferred to the head.

Anti-torsion cables are specifically designed to resist twisting - the better the cable, the fewer turns required at deck level to rotate the upper fitting.

Summary of the Required Properties for Top-Down Anti-Torsion Stays:

  • Excellent anti-torsional resistance is critical to anti-torsion cables, ensuring their effectiveness in top-down and straight-luff furling systems
  • Maximum diameter-to-weight ratio and high load capacity are also required

Straight Luff (Bottom Up) Anti-Torsion Stay

Bottom Up Furlers rotate the tack and head simultaneously so also require cables with excellent ant-twist (torsion) properties.

Straight Luff Reaching Headsails also rely on the cable for luff tension.

Anti Torsion cables for bottom up furling need to be both strong and low stretch, ensuring durability and reliability.
While unsuitable for this application unless supported by an additional Dyneema line, the Harken Reflex cable still maintains these crucial properties.

Summary of the Required Properties for Bottom-Up Anti-Torsion Stays:

  • Very strong
  • Low stretch
  • Stiff
  • Minimum diameter
  • Lightweight
  • Good anti torsional resistance

Jimmy Green offers a range of Anti-Torsion Thimbles and Clamps for terminating anti-torsion cable from Colligo, Profurl and Selden.

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Selden GX - Anti torsion Line

Marlow Pro Drive
Colligo Marine Torsion Rope Clamp

Harken Reflex Tack Adaptor
Profurl Aluminium Anti-torsion Thimble
Selden Anti-torsion Line Thimble
Profurl Stainless Steel Anti-torsion Thimble