About us
Jimmy Green Marine Chandlery
We specialise in bespoke ropes and rigging, anchoring and mooring solutions, complementary deck hardware and safety equipment, selling online in the UK and all around the world.
We are a family business, owned and run by the Green family, based in the coastal village of Beer in East Devon.
Team Jimmy Green is an umbrella for the Jimmy Green crew that make up the Rigging, Sewing, Sales and Despatch Teams.
All these teams work together at our chandlery store and workshop to produce our custom ropes, rigging and safety products and send out all your orders. Jimmy Green started out as a Mail Order Chandlers in 1981 and has continually evolved since those early days.
Originally based around Boat Shows and Boat Jumbles, the Green family has continuously moved with the times, resulting in the current innovative, custom build online service, backed up by a telephone order and help centre.
Company History
Reliable, Continuous Service since 1981
Back in the late 1970s and early 1980s, there was very little choice in the local chandlery for yachtsmen who wanted to finish their rigging in style.
Specialist ropes for different rigging applications were not readily available and the concept of colour coding was in its infancy. By the same token, the inefficient method of terminating ropes by tying a knot was more prevalent than splicing.
In those days, most sailors could turn their hand to a 3 strand splice or a whipping but new braided rope constructions meant a whole raft of new technical skills were required.
Mike and Alistair Green founded Jimmy Green Marine in 1981 with the intention of developing the rope and splicing options available to sailboat owners:
- Specific ropes for each different sailboat application.
- Multiple colour coding options for ease of identification at the mast and in the cockpit.
- Guides, charts and background information to help the selection process.
- A Splicing and Rigging Service to finish the rope work to a professional standard
Mike Green headed up the first Jimmy Green Rigging Team, collaborating with Marlow and LIROS to perfect the techniques necessary for splicing the new ropes brought to market in the 1980s and 1990s.
Mike instigated the introduction of methodology into the process, making a written record of how each splice should be achieved and finished. His insistence that every splice was carried out to the same high standard has endured to this day.
In the 1990s the Head Rigger mantle was passed on to Peter, Alistair’s brother in law. Peter continued to oversee all things splicing until 2007, when Mike retired and the overall responsibility was reassigned to James Green, Alistair’s son and a director of the company. Experience and continuity are important factors in maintaining standards and now James has passed on the head rigger responsibility to Iain, who has been with Jimmy Green since 2014. James and Iain have been busy training up new team members, so that the splicing and rigging team can cope with the increased demand on our service.
Rope manufacturer innovation has been prolific over the last decade. LIROS and Marlow now produce running rigging ropes that were initially considered only for extreme performance applications, but are now affordable for performance cruising.
James maintains personal contact with all the head technicians at LIROS and Marlow, visiting each factory on a regular basis to check on the latest design developments.
The Jimmy Green Rigging Team are then fully trained in all the latest splicing and finishing techniques to complement these new high-technology ropes.
Meet The Team Read about Beer Village
Our Aims Are To:
- Provide our customers with high quality, sustainable products and personal service they can trust, supported by a team of riggers and sailors with first hand knowledge and experience.
- Inspire pride in everyone who works for Jimmy Green by sharing a belief in the quality of our products and by caring about every customer’s experience, our waters and our planet.
- Embrace change and innovation, including collaboration with our approved trade partners and suppliers, especially in reducing carbon impact.
- Offer help to our local community by supporting individuals, organisations and initiatives, particularly in environmental sustainability.
Our Environmental Mission
Looking to the future, Jimmy Green has a mission to empower yacht owners to sail sustainably for the preservation of our waters and our planet.
Our Environmental MissionWe Are Designers and Pioneers

We are the designers of Anchorplait® (with the easy-splice markers), which is exclusively manufactured by LIROS Ropes.

We are pioneers in the development of polyester classic ropes e.g. Hempline© and Hemplait©, now known as Classic Polyester

We are the designers and manufacturers of the Jimmy Green range of telescopic Danbuoys for man overboard recovery.
The Jimmy Green Chandlery Store and Workshop
Our Chandlery store is full to the rafters with marine equipment for Mooring, Anchoring, Standing Rigging, Running Rigging, Deck Hardware and Safety Solutions. All the splicing and rigging is carried out in our rigging room on the premises, so you can actually speak to a rigger when you visit the Chandlery.
The Chandlery StoreThe Jimmy Green Clothing Store
Jimmy Green Clothing Retail Store, established in August 1998, is situated on the main street in Beer, very close to our mail order headquarters and Chandlery Store. Sailing gear, outdoor and leisure wear are the mainstays of our clothing range including brands such as Chatham, Crewsaver, Helly Hansen, Havaianas, Salomon, Lazy Jacks, Merrell, Brakeburn, Old Guys Rule, Reef and Weird Fish.
Clothing StoreLatest Jimmy Green News
How to Splice Rope
07 Nov 2022Splicing describes a range of methods that we use to either terminate a rope or connect it to something else without...
Why Whip!
06 Feb 2023A Stitching and Whipping process is the most effective long-term method of securing the ends of your rope, whether the...
Our First Beach Clean
17 Aug 2022Team Jimmy Green wanted to take an active part in keeping our local beach clean, so we got in touch with Clean Jurassic...