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Hi-Mod Swageless Terminals

Petersen Hi-Mod swageless compression self-fit wire terminal fittings are exclusively designed and manufactured by Petersen Stainless in the UK and are at least as strong as the rated breaking load of the wire rope.

Petersen have designed a unique star-shaped crown ring which positions and holds each wire strand in place, eliminating the requirement for awkward wire end bending.

The shallow angled cone establishes direct mechanical grip on the core and all the outer strands.

Stainless steel grade EN10088 1.4404 (316L) is used on all parts with the exception of the crown ring which is manufactured from aluminium bronze. No sealant is required.

Fittings are available for Compact Strand and standard 1 x 19 construction stainless steel wire rope.

Hi-Mod swageless compression fittings can be assembled on compacted strand ropes as easily as any other construction of wire due to the specially developed Petersen mechanical design.

Petersen Hi-Mod Plus Factors:

  • Self-fit assembly using hand tools by amateur or professional riggers
  • Onsite or Onboard assembly 
  • The star-shaped crown ring holds the wire strands in place, preventing awkward “wire end bending”.
  • The crown ring prevents wire strands from being trapped in the cone slots.
  • The Hi-Mod design works equally well with right or left hand lay wire.
  • The shallow angle on the cone establishes more direct mechanical contact over a greater area providing a tighter grip.
  • Hi-Mod fittings can be dismantled for maintenance and re-used without the need for new parts.
  • All parts are reusable providing that no overloading has occurred.
  • Ideal for use with headstay furlers
  • Cones have a minimum of two slots for a better grip of the core
  • A gentle taper on the cone gives better grip of Dyform / Compact Strand
  • The slots in the crown ring give positive confirmation of correct assembly
  • Recessed end-fittings prevent thread damage caused by the wire ends
  • Wire ends do not require bending
  • No sealant or filler is required
  • Very quick to assemble onsite or onboard
  • Onboard rigging spares essential for extended cruising

Three main reasons why Petersen Stainless recommend that you do not use sealant:

  1. Regardless of how much sealant and pressure you apply to the terminal, it isn't possible to guarantee that you will completely fill the cavity, which leaves a small air pocket allowing water ingress (usually somewhere near the centre of the cable where it is difficult to get at). Stainless steel is protected by a very thin chrome-oxide layer. If the oxide layer becomes damaged, it needs more oxygen to replenish that layer. Any water ingress that bypasses the sealant will become stale (oxygen depleted) over time. It is safer to allow fresh water into the terminal on a regular basis which will not only clean and wash away any built up salt residues but will also maintain the oxide layer of the stainless steel.
  2. The main mechanical components of the compression fittings are manufactured from stainless steel grade 316L. Marine grade stainless steel has high anti-corrosive properties and is ideal for use in a constant sea water environment. Petersen have designed the terminal and all the component parts specifically for marine grade 316L stainless steel.
  3. Petersen have designed Hi-Mod swageless compression terminals specifically for simple and easy dismantling, allowing you to regularly inspect and clean the internal components. If you use a sealant, it would make this operation very difficult and you may not be able to see all of the inner components properly.

Petersen have produced a very informative video explaining how to fit their Hi-Mod terminals to wire successfully: HI MOD INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEO

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