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Jimmy Green Marine

Ropes, Rigging and Safety

Custom Splicing and Rigging Service

Jimmy Green Marine
6 : 1 Purchase System
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6mm Stainless Steel Guardwires
6mm Wire spliced to 12mm LIROS Rope Halyards

8:1 Purchase System - Red Code Rope
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8:1 Purchase System

£279.00 -£40.00


8:1 Purchase System - Red Code Rope
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8:1 Purchase System - 12mm Line

£449.00 -£70.00

8mm Wire spliced to 12mm LIROS Rope Halyards
8mm Wire spliced to 14mm LIROS Rope Halyards
Alderney Anchor Ring System
Anti-Chafe Tubular Polyester Webbing - colour range