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Crewsaver Lifejacket User Instructions

How to put on your Crewsaver lifejacket

Crewsaver Lifejacket Instructions

How to put on your lifejacket instructions

How to wear your life jacket correctly

  1. Open the lifejacket
  2. Put your arm in
  3. Then the other arm
  4. Buckle up the waist belf harness
  5. Tighten the waist belt together, grip ends of the harness waist belt and pull 'comfortably tight'.
  6. Tidy any excess of the waist belt and fold into the velcros pocket sleeve pocket
  7. Pass the two crutch straps through your legs and clip both into place.
  8. Using the adjustable buckles adjust up so they are 'comfortably tight'
  9. Fold up excess of the crutch strap webbing and fold into the velcro sleeve pocket
  10. Ensure that your lifejacket does not ride up. An ill fitted or loose lifejacket will not provide the level of performance required when inflated.
  11. You are now wearing your lifejacket correctly and can confidently go to sea.

Crewsaver Lifejackets