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Types of Rope Splices

3 Strand Rope Splices

3 Strand Loop Splice

3 Strand Loop Splice


3 Strand Loop Splice with Anti Chafe Webbing


3 Strand Thimble Eye Splice

3 Strand Small Eye Splice

3 Strand Small Loop Splice


3 Strand Whipping


3 Strand Back splice

3 Strand Spliced to Chain

Rope Spliced to Chain


Loop Splice with Anti-Chafe Leather

Polyester Core Rope Splices

Herkules - Eye Splice with Stainless Steel Thimble

Eye Splice with Stainless Steel Thimble

Braid on Braid Small Eye Splice

Braid on Braid Eye Splice

Herkules - Whipping with Splice Covered Halyard Tail

Braid on Braid Long Joining Splice

Braid on Braid on Braid - Whipping with LIROS Ribbon Halyard Tail

Whipping with LIROS Ribbon Halyard Tail

Braid on Braid Whipping


Braid on Braid Heat Seal with Heat Shrink

Heat Shrink

Cow Hitch Loop Splice

Cow Hitch Loop

Whipping with Marlow Twine Halyard Tail

Whipping with Marlow Twine Halyard Tail

Performance Core Rope Splices

LIROS Control XTR - Core Dependant Eye Splice with Stainless Steel Thimble

Core Dependent Eye Splice with Stainless Steel Thimble

Core Dependant Cover Stripped Eye Splice

Core Dependent Cover Stripped Eye Splice

Core Dependant Eye Splice

Core Dependent Eye Splice

Core Dependant Eye Splice with Barton Low Friction Ring

Core Dependent Eye Splice with Barton Low Friction Ring

Core dependant Eye Splice with Welded Bar Stainless Steel Thimble

Core Dependent Eye Splice with Welded Bar Stainless Steel Thimble

Core Dependant - Whipping with Spliced Cover Halyard Tail

Core Dependent Whipping with Splice Cover Halyard Tail

Whipping with LIROS Ribbon Halyard Tail

Core Dependant Whipping with LIROS Ribbon Halyard Tail

Core Dependant Dyneema Chafe Tip Splice

Core Dependant Eye Splice with Dyneema Chafe Tip

8 Strand Anchorplait/Octoplait Rope Splices

8 Plait Loop Splice

Loop Splice

Anchorplait 11 link Chain Splice

11 links Anchorplait Spliced to Chain

Anchorplait 1 link Chain Splice

1 link Spiced to Chain

Octoplait Back SPlice

8 Strand Back Splice

Octoplait Centre Splice - Soft Eye

Centre Eye Splice

Octoplait Centre Eye Splice - Stainless Steel

Centre Eye Splice with Thimble

Octoplait Eye Splice with Heavy Duty Stainless Steel Thimble

Octoplait Eye Splice with Heavy-Duty Stainless Steel Thimble

Octoplait Eye Splice with Galvanised Thimble

Octoplait Eye Splice with Galvanised Thimble

12 Strand Rope Splices

12 Strand Small Eye Splice

12 Strand Small Eye Splice

12 Strand Eye Splice - Stainless Steel Thimble

12 Strand Eye Splice with Stainless Steel Thimble

12 Strand Eye Splice - Welded Stainless Steel Thimble

12 Strand Eye Splice - Welded Stainless Steel Thimble

12 Strand Eye Splice - Heavy Duty Stainless Steel Thimble

12 Strand Eye Splice - Heavy Duty Stainless Steel Thimble

12 Strand Eye Splice - Colligo Lifeline Thimble

12 Strand Eye Splice Colligo Lifeline Thimble

12 Strand Loop Splice - Cow Hitch

12 Strand Cow Hitch Loop Splice

12 Strand Eye Splice - Barton Low Friction ring

12 Strand Eye Splice - Barton Low Friction Ring

12 Strand Eye Splice - Bluewave Wheel

12 Strand Eye Splice - Bluewave Wheel

Jimmy Green Marine Custom Rope Splicing Service