Links and resources
The Green Blue
The Green Blue is the joint environmental awareness programme created by the Royal Yachting Association and British Marine.
Clean Seas
Oceans or plastic? Choose the Oceans by taking the #CleanSeas pledge.
Clean Jurrasic Coast
A Community Interest Company that brings people together to to help keep the Jurassic Coast as clean and safe as possible.
Clean Saliors
Clean Sailors are a not-for-profit organisation that aims to mobilise the global sailing community in conservation of our Oceans.
Clean Marina
Cleaner marina movement aims to inspire, encourage and create a community of marinas around the world who are implementing practices which help to safeguard the health of our waters.
A company of 11 Marinas on the UK coastline have created a community based initiative to inspire and encourage boatfolk to have a positive impact in the marine environment. They have Coastline Deadline as their mission to protect habitat and wildlife, and eco-moorings.