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cromox G6 PLUS Electro Polished Stainless Steel Anchor Chain AISI 318LN

cromox G6 PLUS Electro Polished Stainless Steel Anchor Chain AISI 318LN
cromox G6 PLUS Electro Polished Stainless Steel Anchor Chain AISI 318LN

Cromox Type Prenice 35

Electro-Polished Duplex AISI 318LN Stainless

8mm DIN766 and 10mm iSO available from stock in Beer

3 year electro-polished Extended Manufacturer warranty

All other sizes are available to order from the Ketten Waelder factory in Germany

Please allow up to 8 weeks for delivery


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8mm and 10mm DIN766 lengths in stock at JGM as listed above - the remainder is available to order from the factory
i.e. generally held in stock at the factory in Germany ready for shipment to JGM or shipment direct to the customer but allow up to 8 weeks for delivery.

This cromox chain is the ultimate Premium type 35 - tested, calibrated and electro polished

cromox G6 PLUS Electro Polished stainless steel chain AISI 318LN, manufactured to the highest standards in the Ketten Wälder factory, near Munich in Germany

cromox Premium type 35 anchor chain is manufactured from grade 60 AISI 318LN Duplex bright polished stainless steel for superior corrosion resistance


1 year warranty extension from 2 to 3 years with electropolishing.
Warranty against in-house chain laboratory inspection and report costs when returned during the warranty period.
Cleaning and repair costs included if a manufacturing fault is found in the inspection process
Electro polishing for the ultimate finish - reduces micro-roughness, removes burrs and encourages ferritic ions to leave the chain surface making it much less likely to retain stains

Ketten Walder will re-polish and extend the warranty on any of their G6 chain if it is returned to the factory.
Ketten Walder will extend this warranty if the chain is returned for inspection at the end of its regular warranty period.
The chain must be returned to to the KW service center in Bad Endorf, Germany.
If KW advise that repairs are required, an estimate will be provided.
KW will also refresh the surface protection layer for a nominal service fee if required.

Recommended for Worldwide Ocean Cruising - why stint on the electro polishing - the extra cost is relatively small compared with the price of the chain - for an extra year on the warranty and extra peace of mind

cromox G6 Pitch MBL BL (kg) Weight per metre
6mm DIN766 18.5mm 38.5KN 3925kg 0.78kg
8mm DIN766 24mm 66KN 6730kg 1.35kg
10mm DIN766 28mm 104KN 10605kg 2.3kg
10mm ISO 30mm 104KN 10605kg 2.2kg
12mm ISO 36mm 160KN 16315kg 3.2kg
13mm DIN766 36mm 177KN 18049kg 3.9kg

MBL = manufacturer tested break load
1Kn Force = 101.972Kg Break Load

  • Purchase Type - Set Lengths
  • Chain Size - 8mm
  • Chain Size - 10mm
  • Chain Size - 12mm
  • Chain Size - 13mm
  • Chain Size - 14mm
  • Chain Size - 6mm
  • Chain Finish - Electro Polished Stainless Steel

Chain Markers

Chain Markers

Maillon Rapide, stainless steel rated link

Osculati Chain Connecting Rivet Link, 8 pins
Force 7 Grade 70 anchor chain shackle link, showing all three sizes

AnchoRight 8mm Chain Markers - Some Colours

AnchoRight 8mm Chain Markers - one colour with plate