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LIROS Classic Braid on Braid Sheets

LIROS Braid on Braid (Top Cruising 01528) 20plait (6-8mm 16plait) high tensile low stretch polyester cover ~ 100% high tensile low stretch plaited heat set polyester core <5% Working Load Stretch

The LIROS manufacturing process produces a balanced braid on braid construction with consistency second to none: Dependable top quality, non kinking, long lasting, firm construction that doesn't flatten under load Spliceable to wire CUSTOM BUILD INSTRUCTIONS    RUNNING RIGGING - LIROS RECOMMENDED LINE DIAMETERS

LIROS braid on braid polyester is the most popular choice for sheets, halyards and control lines on cruising yachts.

Cover: 20plait high tensile low stretch polyester cover (16plait 6-8mm)
Core: 100% high tensile low stretch plaited heat set polyester <5% Working Load Stretch

LIROS braid on braid polyester can be used for sheets, halyards and control lines e.g. guys, reefing lines, tack lines, vangs/kickers, down/outhauls, furling lines, runner tails, preventers.

LIROS Classic Braid on Braid Plus Factors:

  • Tried and tested, proven track record over decades
  • Excellent handling
  • Non kinking, balanced construction
  • LIROS top quality consistency - core and cover in synchronised tension
  • Long-lasting working life
  • Wear Resistant
  • UV Stable
  • Firm, round construction that doesn't flatten under load
  • Spliceable
  • Spliceable to wire
  • Heat Set, Low Stretch Performance
  • Stretch at working load <5%
Diameter LBL Max SA WLS
6mm 1100kg 10sqm < 5%
8mm 1650kg 20sqm < 5%
10mm 2700kg 30sqm < 5%
12mm 3200kg 40sqm < 5%
14mm 3800kg 70sqm < 5%
16mm 5000kg 90sqm < 5%
18mm 6500kg 100sqm < 5%
20mm 7300kg 100sqm < 5%

LBL = LIROS Break Load Max
SA = LIROS recommended Maximum Sail Area
WLS = LIROS stretch at working load
< = less than

The Jimmy Green Rigging Team are happy to splice your existing shackles onto your new lines.

Send or drop them in to the Rigging Team, but don't forget to let us know, so that we don't splice your lines before we receive the shackles :-(

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LIROS 6mm Classic Braid on Braid

LIROS 8mm Classic Braid on Braid

LIROS 10mm Classic Braid on Braid

LIROS 12mm Classic Braid on Braid

LIROS 14mm Classic Braid on Braid

LIROS 16mm Classic Braid on Braid
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100 metre Reel Deal - LIROS Classic Braid on Braid