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Pad Eyes, U Bolts and Eye Bolts

Jimmy Green offer Pad Eyes, U Bolts and Eye Bolts from well respected manufacturers to give you confidence in their reliability and strength - they make excellent Through-Deck or Through-Bulkhead attachment points for a wide range of different applications onboard and ashore.

Select from Selden, Wichard, Harken, Sta-Lok and Bluewave

Pad Eyes

There are two main types of Deck Pad Eye:

Fixed Pad Eye - where the attachment hoop is welded to a base plate and the eye has a permanently raised profile - the deck plate may be round, rectangular or a diamond shape.

Folding Pad Eye - where the attachment hoop is a complete D ring with the straight edge lying underneath a specially formed ridge in the base - the tunnel allows the bottom of the hoop to rotate or hinge - the outline of the deck plate is designed so that the hoop will lie flat when not under load.

Folding Pad Eyes are preferable where there is footfall, greatly reducing the chance of tripping or stubbing your toe.

Pad Eyes require separate Fixings

U Bolts

U Bolts are manufactured from one piece of stainless steel bar formed into an elongated hoop - the two ends of the hoop are threaded to provide an integral fixing solution - backing plates, nuts and washers are included.

U Bolts make excellent strongpoints by spreading the load between two points.

U Bolts have a permanently raised profile.

Eye Bolts

Eye Bolts have a relatively small attachment eye - ideal where space is limited - featuring an integral deck plate and threaded stud with nut and washer included.

Jimmy Green Load Bearing Backing Plate Advisory

Pin-point loads should be avoided - an extra backing plate that will spread the load over a wider area is a good idea - This could be an extra large penny washer in a tight, awkward spot, or a much more expansive DIY fabrication from e.g. stainless steel, plywood, GRP where space will allow.

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Stainless Steel U Bolt