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Marlow Excel Racing GP78 Halyards

Marlow Excel Racing GP78 Low Stretch Dyneema Core, Super Tough Cover, Ultimate Performance Halyard

Cover: Abrasion and UV Resistant Technora/Polyester blended 16/24 plait cover can be stripped back to the dyneema core to reduce weight.
Core: Colour matching Armourcoated braided dyneema SK78 core is designed for use without a cover.

Grips well in the hand and in cleats.

Good flexibility through small sheaves and blocks.

Diameter  4mm 5mm
Weight per 100m 1.12kg 1.95kg
MBL 855kg 1070kg

MBL = Marlow minimum Break Load

Marlow GP78 plus factors:

  • Excellent Heat Resistance
  • Excellent UV resistance
  • Firm round rope aids handling
  • Good chemical resistance
  • High strength
  • Lightweight
  • Low elongation
  • Very good abrasion resistance
  • Spliceable

Marlow Excel Racing GP78 Datasheet - PDF

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