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Children's Life Jackets

Children's Life Jackets are essential to keep toddlers, children and young sailors safe at sea.

It is vitally important that they wear a life vest that fits correctly. This means one that fits them when they are on the boat for the current season, not one that they will grow in to.

First of all, determine whether you need a Junior Lifejacket or a Junior Buoyancy Aid. Junior lifejackets inflate automatically upon entry to the water. They are designed to turn the wearer onto their back and keep their head out of the water. Junior buoyancy aids will keep them afloat but will not turn them onto their back.

If you require a buoyancy aid, please go to our Buoyancy Aid category - Buoyancy Aids

A child's life jacket should have a standard buoyancy of 150N. NB. An adult should not wear a child's lifejacket even though the buoyancy rating is the same. The 150 newton buoyancy rating does not mean that the lifejacket has 150N buoyancy. The buoyancy is determined pro rata by the classified weight range of the lifejacket.

Comfort is important - if it is comfortable the child is more likely to put it on, enjoy wearing it and most important of all, keep it on.

Seago Yachting offer a fixed price LIFEJACKET SERVICE for all makes and models, not just Seago.

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Seago Waveguard 150N Junior Lifejacket