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100 metre Reel - LIROS Yellow Octoplait Multifilament Polypropylene
100 metre Reel - LIROS Yellow Octoplait Multifilament Polypropylene
LIROS Yellow Octoplait Multifilament Polypropylene

Optimum Reel Rate price per metre

Excellent floating visible shorelines

Buoyant, flexible, manageable, portable - flakes like a lightweight chain

Wound on a plastic LIROS reel unless splicing or whipping is required.

Add the Jimmy Green Professional Finish, subject to splicing lead times

Purchase Octoplait Splicing   Purchase Whippings

Yellow is generally a colour that we keep in stock or can source relatively quickly


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LIROS 8-Strand Squareline Polypropylene 100 metre Reels are an excellent solution for extended floating shorelines, very popular in the Mediterranean for stern-to shorelines, easily managed, transported and deployed over long distances by dinghy.

The 100 metres can be spliced and whipped by the Jimmy Green Rigging Team to make your warp ready to deploy:

Purchase Octoplait Splicing   Purchase Whippings

N.B. These are generally 100-metre reels as they are delivered from the LIROS factory, but Team Jimmy Green may measure and cut them to length to order in-house.

LIROS 8-Strand Octoplait LIROS Multifilament Polypropylene, aka LIROS Squareline, makes a handy, lightweight, transportable floating mooring line with a smooth, sympathetic finish that is nothing like the harsh, splintery, wire-like, blue monofilament variety or the rough and hairy, white staple 'Nelson' version.

'Floatability' can be a real plus factor for long-reach mooring lines, such as rafting out warps to the dock or shorelines from the stern to the shore in the Mediterranean.

LIROS Squareline Polypropylene Floating Line: Facts, Features and Plus Factors

  • Colours Available: White Article 01078 - Yellow Article 01079 - Navy Article 01079 - Black Article 01080
  • 8-Strand Octoplait - Balanced, Square Braid Construction
  • Excellent supple handling and long-length management qualities
  • Lightweight
  • Supple, kind-to-the-hands finish
  • Manufactured from 100% Multifilament UV-stabilised Polypropylene
  • > 15% working load stretch provides good shock absorption
  • Low water absorption
  • Stays pliable for the duration of the rope's working life
  • LIROS Manufacturer Break Loads by Diameter: 12mm 2100kg ~ 14mm 2700kg ~ 16mm 3400kg ~ 18mm 4000kg - 20mm 5000kg - 24mm 7400kg - 28mm 9800kg

Jimmy Green Long Lengths, Spliced and Finished in-house by the Jimmy Green Rigging Team

LIROS Squareline Octoplait Polypropylene is manufactured and wound onto 100-metre reels at the LIROS factory in Germany.
The most common application for this rope is long lines ashore, so the entire reel is available at our optimum rate per metre to avoid short reel ends.
The Jimmy Green Rigging Team recommends spliced loops for ease of attachment and to retain the maximum strength of the line - knots have an adverse effect on the strength of any rope.
The Jimmy Green Rigging Team also recommends whipping any unspliced ends to safeguard the integrity of the rope construction and adding anti-chafe webbing to prevent undue wear. Both of these measures will help to prolong the working life of the finished line.

8-Strand Octoplait Splicing and Finishing

Webbing Anti-Chafe Measures

Jimmy Green Spliced Length Advisory

For these 100-metre reel shorelines/warps, the splicing is carried out on the factory-delivered length.
Therefore, the finished dimensions will be the reel length LESS the amount of rope required to form the loop and the splice.

Jimmy Green Polypropylene Specification Advisory

LIROS Multifilament Polypropylene is subjected to a thorough UV stabilising process during rope production to enhance resistance to ultraviolet rays.
However, UV-stabilised Multifilament Polypropylene is still more susceptible to deterioration in the sun than Nylon (Polyamide) or Polyester (the most UV-resistant of mooring lines).
Polypropylene has a lower breaking load than polyester or nylon, and it may be prudent to upsize to compensate.
On the upside, LIROS Squareline polypropylene is much lighter than nylon or polyester, making it more manageable and easier to handle, size for size.

  • Purchase Type - 100 metre Reel
  • Rope Fibre - Polypropylene
  • Boat Length (Mooring Alongside) - 10-12 metres, up to 9 tonnes
  • Boat Length (Mooring Alongside) - 12-14 metres, up to 13 tonnes
  • Boat Length (Mooring Alongside) - 14-16 metres, up to 16 tonnes
  • Rope Diameter - 24mm
  • Rope Diameter - 28mm
  • Rope Diameter - 12mm
  • Rope Diameter - 14mm
  • Rope Diameter - 16mm
  • Rope Diameter - 18mm
  • Rope Diameter - 20mm
  • Colour - Black
LIROS Stowage Bag
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Jimmy Green Storage and Portage Bag - blue and natural
Jimmy Green Octoplait Polyester Splicing - Loop Splice, 20mm