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Jimmy Green Needs Your Small Boxes!

04 Apr 2023

At Jimmy Green Marine, we are aware of the impact our business has on the earth and its resources. We are committed to minimising this impact and preserving the environment around us as much as possible. Rather than simply produce another policy, our aim is to approach our work in a way that supports our vision and values, in balance with our professional needs.

As a retail business, we handle a lot of incoming and outgoing deliveries. This requires a lot of packaging! We sort all the packaging we receive and reuse everything, from pallets and cardboard boxes to foam and bubble wrap. Nothing is thrown away if it can be reclaimed for sensible employment. Anything that we can't reclaim and reuse, is sorted for recycling through an external professional service.

If we don't have a suitable box to reuse, we have paper potato sacks for wrapping our outbound parcels. We have been doing this since the business began in 1981 because they are strong, lightweight and a biodegradable alternative to plastic.

Potatoe Sacks are a biodegradable alternative to plastic

However, we have an increasing demand for smaller boxes. If anyone in the local community has any small boxes in reasonable condition that they would like to see re-used, we'd be delighted to receive them. Please drop off any small boxes at the Chandlery on The Meadows in Beer.

We believe we have a responsibility to the local community, our customers, employees and business partners to continue our efforts to conserve resources, preserve natural habitats and prevent pollution.

For more information on our full policy, you can visit the environment and sustainability page.