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Split Pins
Split Pins

Replacement Split Pins

Handy for securing turnbuckles and clevis pins

Specified by length and diameter.

N.B. the number supplied in each pack varies


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Holt Replacement Marine Grade Stainless Steel Split Pins

Handy for securing turnbuckles and clevis pins
Essential spares for the onboard rigging kit

Can be used for securing trolley wheels as well as many other applications.

Variations are listed in the chart below, specified by Diameter and Length

SizeLengthQuantityPart Number
1.6mm 13mm 10 F191
1.6mm 25mm 10 F193
2.4mm 19mm 8 F194
2.4mm 25mm 8 F195
2.4mm 38mm 3 F196
3.2mm 19mm 3 F198
3.2mm 25mm 3 F199
3.2mm 38mm 3 F200
3.2mm 50mm 3 F201
3.2mm 62mm 1 F202
3.9mm 25mm 3 F204
3.9mm 50mm 3 F205
3.9mm 75mm 1 F206
4.8mm 38mm 2 F207
4.8mm 50mm 2 F208
5mm 100mm 1 F210

N.B. Quantity refers to the number of pins in each pack.