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Sta-Lok Insulator Terminal / Terminal

Sta-Lok Insulator Terminal / Terminal

Swageless compression fittings for easy fitting.

2 insulators are required to create an insulated backstay.


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Insulated standing rigging provides the ideal antenna for radio transmission and reception.

Sta-lok Insulators have proven themselves over many years to be an effective and totally reliable method of converting yacht backstays into radio antenna.

The main body of the Sta-lok Insulator consists of an ingenious stainless steel assembly.

The whole is embedded ia a weather-proof nylon injection moulding designed to exceed the breaking load of the wire rope.

The Sta-lok terminal is a simple mechanical method of terminating wire ropes.

It will work under constant load and variable shock loading and is stronger than the wire rope.

In all situations the Sta-lok Terminal has proven totally reliable.

The Sta-lok Terminal is manufactured from 316 stainless steel grade 1.4401, and can be fitted on site using very simple hand tools.

All Sta-lok Terminals are re-usable and are supplied with wedges as standard.