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Wire Rigging Fittings

Yacht Standing Rigging encompassess the rods, lines and wires that hold up the mast in the required stable and upright position while a yacht is sailing.

The majority of masts on yachts have stainless steel wire rigging. Fibre rigging is a relatively modern concept which is growing in popularity due to it's comparative light weight.

Standing Rigging for cruising yachts is mainly produced from a smooth, stiff and strong 1 x 19 construction. Compacted Strand 1 x 7 and 1 x 19 are used for enhanced performance. 7 x 19 is a flexible wire construction for use where the wire needs to turn corners e.g. around a block or sheave.

Jimmy Green Marine offer a comprehensive range of Specialist Wire Rigging Fittings and associated hardware from Sta-Lok, Petersen Stainless, hamma™, Blue Wave, Tylaska, Selden and Harken. These encompass fittings for use in conjunction with wire rigging and the terminals for finishing the end of the wire:

Wire Terminals

These are divided into two separate categories:

  • Swaged Terminals - where the terminals are professionally cold forged onto the wire using a hydraulic roller press.
  • Swageless Terminals, also known as Compression, DIY, Hi Mod or Self-Fit Wire Terminals. Swageless Terminals are designed to be fitted mechanically by any competent DIY amateur using simple hand tools. The strength is delivered by the clever compression design.

Backstay Insulators

Backstay insulators are fitted in pairs to electrically isolate a section of the backstay on a yacht so that it can be employed as an antenna for a single sideband (SSB) radio.

Rigging Screws and Turnbuckles

Also known as bottlescrews, these fittings are used on yacht shrouds and stays and for architectural purposes to adjust the wire to the required tension.

Turnbuckle Components

Jimmy Green Marine offer the opportunity to purchase all the individual parts of a rigging or bottle screw separately including the bodies or barrels and a wide range of threaded end fittings as replacements or to suit the task in hand.

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StaLok Shroud Terminal Backing Plate BP-145
Sta-Lok T Terminal Backing Plate BP-144

Wire Rope Grips

Clearance Holt Wire Rope Grips

£4.10 -60%

Selden Folding Pad Eye 6mm 508 750 01R and 8mm 508 760 01R
Wichard Forged Stainless Steel Universal Folding Pad Eye
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Wichard Forged Stainless Steel Single Folding Pad Eye

Harken 79mm Diamond Padeye

Harken Round Padeye