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Mooring Accessories

Jimmy Green Marine offers a wide range of quality solutions to set up a successful, durable mooring rope system.

Mooring ropes, also known as mooring lines and mooring warps, are used to keep yachts secure in their allotted mooring berth. Ropes need extra protection when permanently mooring a yacht. Mooring Accessories include Mooring Compensators, Mooring Rope Chafe Protection, Mooring Swivels and Bridle Plate Systems.

Rubber Snubbers and Stainless Mooring Springs act as excellent mooring compensators.

Mooring Compensators provide a valuable defence against shock loading, protecting ropes and deck fittings from damaging excess strain.

Snubbers and Springs can be deployed on mooring and anchoring lines requiring extra stretch to help deal with shock loads.

Some rubber snubbers can be retrofitted, while some need to be threaded onto the rope before splicing the ends.

All rubber snubbers are a useful addition to a continuous mooring line.

Unimer and Forsheda are the top brand manufacturers for snubbing products from marine quality EPDM rubber.

Stainless Steel Springs are specifically designed to absorb fluctuating loads, but they have one disadvantage - they normally require a two-part mooring line with the spring in between - Jimmy Green Marine recommends that stainless steel mooring springs are deployed on an extra mooring line so that there is always at least one continuous rope to take the load in the event of spring failure.

Reinforced PVC Tubing and Tubular Polyester Webbing add excellent Mooring Rope Chafe Protection

Fibre-reinforced PVC Hose is an extremely durable sheath when fitted onto a mooring line. The hose will generally sit comfortably over a stem roller fitting.

Anti-Chafe Webbing is manufactured in a tube for threading onto a mooring warp. Anti-Chafe Webbing offers excellent abrasion resistance, is more flexible than PVC hose and can be deployed through fairleads and over bow rollers.

There are also modern developments available which can be retrofitted to the rope, e.g. Spiroll or tapes and pads fitted direct to the deck to smooth the path of the ropes, e.g. PROtect Tapes, No Wear and Barton Deck Pads.

Leather is traditionally used for chafe protection and offers excellent abrasion resistance with the bonus of really looking the part.

Mooring Swivels are an integral part of a single line, swinging mooring rope and chain system

Galvanised mooring swivels can help alleviate rotational issues on a swinging mooring. Using a rated swivel from a recognised manufacturer that publishes a guaranteed break load is advisable.

Colligo Marine produces a specifically designed and rated mooring swivel, which features a plate for attaching two separate lines (also known as a bridle).

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SIDERMARINE New Generation Shock Absorbers
Clear PVC Hose
Load Rated Hot Dip Galvanised Bow Shackles
Proboat Load Rated Galvanised D Shackle
Wichard Forged HR Stainless Steel Fork and Fork Allen Head Swivels

Mantus Hex Head Shackles