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Top 5 Sail Control Ropes

25 Aug 2018

Jimmy Green Marine offers a wide range of ropes to cover a myriad of sail control applications. But which ones make our top 5? We consulted the whole team to collate a list based on performance, personal preference, and popularity. After much deliberation, we're delighted to offer you our top 5 sail control lines.

Number 5: LIROS Control XTR



This line was always going to make an appearance on our list - a real Rolls Royce of a rope. Without any doubt, this is the highest-performing line stocked by Jimmy Green with a price tag to suit. Suitable for just about every running rigging application on board.

It's seriously hard-wearing due to its tightly woven 24-plait polyester/Technora blended jacket. The heat-stretched SK99 core provides exceptional strength and negligible stretch. It's the perfect choice if you're looking for an increased safety margin on high-load lines, extended working life, or sail control that squeezes every bit of speed from the sail.

It's not the most popular choice because it is at the premium end of the price range, but it's a very satisfying sale when you know the customer is getting the best rope available. The riggers especially like to splice, taper, and whip 8mm when they get the chance.

Number 4: Marlowbraid



Marlowbraid is next on the list at 4. It is a firm favourite with the rig team. The 1:1 plaited jacket makes it easy to work with and swift to splice. This line has been a go-to solution on cruising yachts for generations. It is available in a generous range of colourways. Jimmy Green offers white with a black, red, blue or yellow fleck.

Of all the 100% polyester lines, Marlowbraid offers the highest strength and lowest stretch per nominal diameter. This extra performance comes from the 3-strand core. The 1:1 plaited jacket is also slightly tighter than a 16 plait jacket, improving the wear resistance in the most popular diameters, 8mm and 10mm.

Number 3: LIROS Braid on Braid EVO

LIROS Braid on Braid EVO

LIROS Braid on Braid EVO

Number 3 is the ever-popular, most prevalent and widely used 100% Polyester line for cruising yachts, LIROS EVO.
LIROS upgraded their Braid on Braid Bright White Polyester with an enhanced 12-strand core. The result is a stronger line with less stretch and still at an affordable price level, making EVO the logical cruising choice for halyards, sheets and any other control lines.

Available from Jimmy Green from 6mm to 16mm in as many as nine colour variations, EVO covers a wide range of applications.
LIROS EVO has a 20-plait high-tensile low-stretch polyester cover combined with a 100% high-tensile low-stretch 12-plait heat set polyester to deliver less than 5% Working Load Stretch

Number 2: Marlow Excel Control

Marlow Excel Control

Marlow Excel Control

The runner-up is Marlow Excel Control. Generally only used in the dinghy market, this line is designed specifically for control lines such as the kicker, outhaul, and downhaul. It is a favourite on the Jimmy Green RS800 and for many other dinghy sailors.

The jacket/core ratio is 50:50 on this line, allowing it to be spliced into a continuous loop without any diameter change. The polypropylene core doesn't contribute to the overall strength of the line, so it can be removed without compromising on strength where it is spliced. This is perfect for endless control systems on dinghies, where any part of the line can end up in the load-bearing part of the system or a cleat.

The line is equally at home in a standard system. The Technora/Polyester blended snakeskin outer is really tough and strong, giving the line excellent longevity. The lack of a Dyneema core keeps the price point of this line down, making it easily accessible for everyone. Marlow Control is available in a range of colours in 4mm or 5mm.

Number 1: LIROS Dynamic Plus

LIROS Dynamic Plus Steel Blue

LIROS Dynamic Plus

Here it is, the number One! This line has gone down a storm since Jimmy Green Marine introduced it many years ago. Many yacht sailors have benefitted from introducing Dynamic Plus to their control lines because it represents the most efficient and economical way of doing it. Due to the partial Dyneema SK78 core, it typically reduces working stretch from 5% to 2%.

The riggers find it particularly easy to work with. The mid-layer jacket is slightly thicker than in full racing Dyneema lines. If you decide to get it spliced, don't be surprised by the change in diameter - all the Dyneema core will still be present, retaining both the strength and performance.

We now offer this line in a special steel blue colour. This unique colour blend is 30% more wear-resistant than standard polyester and is the same price as the regular Dynamic Plus. This really is our favourite line, and what's more, it's an exclusive colourway to Jimmy Green.

I hope you enjoyed our top five :-)

The Jimmy Green Team

Related products

Liros Control XTR - 8mm
Marlow Excel Control - 4mm

Liros 12mm Dynamic Plus Dyneema - Sheets, Halyards, Control Lines
10mm Marlowbraid Halyards

LIROS 10mm Braid on Braid EVO - Sheets Halyards, Control Lines
Author: Jimmy Green

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