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Barton 32mm T track Sliding Cleat

Barton 25mm T track Sliding Cleat

Two cleat length options

for Barton 25mm and 32mm track

Easily retro-fitted to T track

Ideal for mid-ship mooring cleat

Can be positioned anywhere along the track


More Information

Barton Track Cleats are designed to slide on to Barton T track, see dimensions below.

When through deck fixing is not possible, a Barton Track Cleat is a good option for an additional mid-ship strongpoint.

Remove a genoa track end stop, slide on the cleat and lock it in the desired position with the plunger locating pin.

25mm Features:

  • Moulded nylon cleat
  • 165mm or 200m cleat options
  • Screw down locator pin

32mm Features:

  • 150mm long
  • Plunger pin locator

Barton Sliding Track Cleats will fit tracks of the following dimensions:

Barton T Track Diagram

Diagram Reference 32mm Track 25mm Track
Width W 32mm 25mm
Width X 20mm 14mm
Height H 15mm 10mm
Height J 5mm 4mm

Barton T Track

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