Douglas Marine Stainless Steel Mooring Bollard Chain
A316 Marine Grade
Extra large links at each end
Chain Options:
2 pieces 1.25 metres x 8mm chain
2 pieces 1.50 metres x 10mm chain
For mooring stern to with lines to mooring rings or bollards
N.B. 2 pieces included in the box
Price per Pair
Select by Chain size
More Information
Douglas Marine have prepared these stainless steel mooring chains as an alternative to their webbing mooring belts.
Each length features an oversize link at each end to make it easy to attach a large, suitably strong shackle.
Douglas Marine Oversize End Link Dimensions:
- 8mm: 31mm inside length x 14mm inside width
- 10mm: 40mm inside length x 18mm inside width
Douglas Marine Stainless Steel Mooring Chain Facts and Features:
- Marine grade A316 stainless steel
- Included in the box - 2 pieces
- Therefore, priced per pair
- Size options: 1.25m x 8mm or 1.5m x 10mm chain
- Oversize extra large link at both ends of each piece
- Simple shackle attachmment
- Excellent anti-chafe measure
- For stern to mooring
- For deployment through rings or around bollards